Each morning at work, I check the various versions of Google News in English and French. It's a great way for me to stay abreast on things going on in the world that American media doesn't deem sexy enough to cover and keep up with my French. Google News Australia has been abuzz lately due to Prime Minister John Howard banning alcohol and pornography from Aboriginal reservations to curb pedophilia among Aborigines. He honestly believes that this will work, but he's got a lot of critics. Even if I didn't feel the prime minister is a racist butt-munch, I'd still side with the critics. Here's why.

It reeks of paternalism
This plan treats Indigenous Australians as if they can't handle the issues in their communities, and it's White Australia's duty to help them since they can't help themselves. Indigenous Australians have a lot of issues do deal with such as drug abuse, alcoholism, crime, etc. All these issues result from disenfranchisement and marginalization in mainstream (i.e., White) Australian society. The best way to address these issues is through inclusion to mainstream society and reconciliation for past events.

It's opportunistic
Prime Minister Howard is up for reelection this year, and due to his support of the Iraq war, and the Bush administration, among other things, he is behind in the polls to his main opponent Kevin Rudd. So, what's a quick way to drum up support? Show that you're "taking action" to support a group of citizens you didn't give a crap about for the 10 years you've been in office. You get extra brownie points if it's an issue that community leaders have been telling you about for the past 5 years.

It's already in place
For most Aboriginal reserves, the bans on alcohol and pornography have been in place for at least 20 years. They've curbed alcohol abuse, but not pedophilia. Aboriginal leaders have said that the government's ban will have an effect only if it's enforced in areas where Aborigines and Whites live together; otherwise, it's not gonna change what's been happening for the past 20 years.

You Know, Now Is A Good Time For A Post

Since I've last posted, I got a job, lost it a week later, and got another one after about 3 weeks. During that time, aside from a day trip to Asheville and Chimney Rock, not much happened. I surfed the net, tried to read, watched an occasional Champions League game, got hooked on "Heroes" and had interviews for jobs I wouldn't get. Exciting, I know.

Okay, my job. I work for Talecris Biotherapeutics. You're thinking "What? Biotherapeutics? I thought you were still an ECE major?" now right? Talecris used to be a part of Bayer until about 2 years ago. They produce drugs that are created from plasma. Not that plasma, that plasma. No, I haven't swtiched to Biology; I'm in the Information Solutions department. I'm helping with a project on asset management, which is about licensing of applications used within the company. I haven't had much to do until recently since they didn't know I'd be starting until the day before my first day.

Did I mention that I work in Clayton? No? Well, I work in Clayton, which needless to say is nothing like RTP. I mean, there's a freaking field across the highway from the complex. I haven't gone out for lunch, since the most interesting restaurant I've come across is Mexican. Nothing against Mexican food, but it's tame compared to the Jamaican food I could get from Durham. Also, everyone out there is much friendlier than what I'm used to. It wasn't as bad as that time I went to Tarboro last year, but it still take some getting used to. It reminds me of State, in that most people you come across have Southern accents. So many people have asked me where I'm from and are surprised that I've spent my entire life in Raleigh, because I don't sound like it. I guess it's a good thing I'm working there since I can get a taste of 9to5 life outside of RTP. They don't seem as flexible with their schedule, and as casual, but they are friendlier and more personable.

I guess I could write my thoughts on the crisis in the Palestinian Territories. Maybe I can write about how I was late for "Heroes", or why no one told me Deborah Cox was releasing a Dinah Washington tribute album, or my fascination with Kaká. But it's getting late, so I'll do it another time. Until then, much love!